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St. Michael's United Church of Christ
West Chicago, Illinois
​​​proud to be an Open and Affirming congregation

St. Michael's UCC operates the West Chicago Clothing Closet, which is similar to a food pantry.
We are open the second Saturday of each month from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm.
Each family may choose 5 articles of clothing per person.
Located in the basement of the Rockwell building, located behind our church:
108 Sherman St.
West Chicago, IL
Ofrecemos ropa gratis para los necesitados.
Únase a nosotros el segundo sábado de cada mes entre las 9:00 am y las 12:00 pm.
Se permiten 5 artículos por miembro de la familia.
108 Sherman St.
West Chicago, IL

Hours / Horas

Shoes / Zapatos

Books / Libros
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